Digital Dentistry Services

License of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine AD No. 063321
dated 06.09.12

Digital dentistry - a new quality standard

The introduction of digital technologies is the most significant breakthrough in dentistry in the last 20 years. Diagnosis and treatment "by eye" are becoming a thing of the past.
At CRB clinic, we have implemented high-tech equipment in almost every process: diagnostics and treatment under a microscope, dental scanning and bite analysis software, crown and veneer modeling, computer anesthesia, etc.

Along with the equipment, materials production technologies are also developing: we use the latest generation composites and materials, the best in their class in terms of properties and aesthetics.
Хруст в челюстном суставе
CRB clinic


Caries is the destruction / erosion of tooth tissues due to the vital activity of bacteria. Treatment under a microscope allows the most gentle, and at the same time, the most complete removal of the affected tissue and put a filling.
This eliminates the risk of developing secondary caries under the filling.
For the restoration of teeth, we use filling materials Filtek, USA. This is a new generation composite, characterized by high resistance to abrasion and damage, as well as high aesthetic properties.

Features of caries treatment in CRB clinic

Painless computer STA anesthesia
Computer anesthesia allows you to absolutely painlessly inject the medicine and anesthetize only the desired tooth. Without pain, without numbness of half of the face, tongue.
Dental treatment under the microscope
A multiple increase allows you to improve the quality of the procedure several times. The maximum preservation of healthy tooth tissues is ensured.
Innovative filling material
The 3M ESPE Filtek filling composite consists of unique nanoparticles that provide high wear resistance, as well as long-term preservation of the gloss and aesthetic properties of the restoration.
Phone consultations:
044 580 40 04
Root canal treatment under a microscope
Root canal treatment is no longer an exhausting, painful procedure. With the help of modern equipment, the removal of nerves and filling the canals is painless and comfortable.

The treatment takes place under a microscope, with the help of an endomotor, which ensures accurate and safe processing of the root canal. The program itself calculates the length and width of the root canal, preventing the possibility of destruction of the canal or insufficient processing when part of the canal remains unsealed. This eliminates the risk of re-inflammation.

Features of root canal treatment in CRB clinic

Painless computer STA anesthesia
STA anesthesia is a state-of-the-art, ultra-precise pain relief. Guaranteed to hit exactly where you need it. Painless injection of the medicine, without a syringe.
Channel drilling under program control
The channels of the tooth are very narrow, so it is easy to make a mistake when machining. Modern equipment controls the depth and width of drilling, and also stops the drill on its own if there is a risk.
Channel filling system GuttaCore, USA
GuttaCore is considered an evolutionary step in endodontics. The system allows you to perfectly seal the root canal of any anatomical shape: with curvature, non-standard shape, narrow, etc.
Phone consultations:
044 580 40 04
Professional teeth whitening Philips Zoom 4
Clinically proven: teeth become up to 8 shades lighter in just 45 minutes of treatment.

The Philips Zoom system is a professional teeth whitening system. The system includes not only equipment, but also a certified whitening gel. The package with the gel is opened in front of the patient to confirm the originality of the product.

The 4th generation system is completely safe for tooth enamel, does not use a high concentration of the active substance. Instead, the whitening process is activated and accelerated by the intensity of the light from the lamp.

Features of teeth whitening in CRB clinic

No UV!
UV radiation is harmful to health and is therefore not used by the Philips Zoom 4 system. The lamp has LEDs with intense cold light that activates the properties of the whitening gel.
Express whitening
If you need to whiten your teeth “urgently” for an event or photo session, we offer an express whitening service in 1 visit. Teeth are guaranteed to become 2-5 shades lighter. The effect lasts from 6 months to a year.
Whitening "Forever"
A complete whitening procedure is a complex of several visits to the clinic + home procedures. Such whitening takes longer, but the effect lasts for many years.
Phone consultations:
044 580 40 04
Swiss porcelain veneers Livento Soprano
Veneers are used in aesthetic dentistry to create the perfect dentition. A veneer is the thinnest overlay on a natural tooth, which allows you to create a beautiful shape and color. Veneers are invisible and look and feel like natural teeth. They do not turn yellow, do not collapse from caries.

The process of making veneers takes from 1 to 3 weeks. First, we create a digital impression of your teeth using a 3-D scanner. Then we simulate the result on a computer, try on veneers to your face and smile. Such visualization helps to determine the shape and color of the teeth, to make sure that you like the end result. Only after that veneers are made and installed in 1 visit. Your perfect smile is ready!

Features of Swiss veneers

High aesthetic characteristics of the material
Livento Soprano veneers have all the characteristics of natural teeth: shine, color depth, and transparency of the cutting edge. This is a work of art, each veneer is an individual piece of art.
A reputation built on a century of work of the company Cendres+Métaux
Cendres+Métaux is a reliable partner not only for dentists, but also for well-known jewelry brands. The company specializes in the processing of precious metals, the manufacture of parts for watches and jewelry. The company has earned its reputation thanks to the perfect quality of products.
Craftsmanship of the performer
To make the perfect veneer, you need not only high-quality ceramics, but also the skill of the performer. We work with the dental laboratory Yamomoto lab, which specializes in the manufacture of premium quality veneers.
Treatment of TMJ dysfunction
An integrated approach that combines the knowledge of classical orthopedics and dentistry
Сonsultation and
digital diagnostics is carried out:
  • Majid I.G.
    Deputy head physician of the CRB clinic Dentist orthopedist, specializes in the treatment of TMJ dysfunction, treatment of bruxism, total prosthetics. Works in a digital protocol. Before us, he worked in the Swiss digital scientific clinic Dentaprime. Work experience more than 9 years.
  • Dolya A.V.
    Lead Physician
    Candidate of Medical Sciences
    Dentist-orthopedist, specializes in prosthetics, general dentistry, treatment of TMJ dysfunction, bruxism. Experience in digital protocol.
    Work experience more than 20 years.
  • Gnatyuk-Temel B.V.
    Lead Physician
    specializes in general dentistry, endodontics and the treatment of bruxism.
    Works in a digital protocol.
    Over 19 years of experience.
Phone consultations:
044 580 40 04

Sterility = Safety

You can be sure of complete safety. We pay great attention to surface treatment, sterilization of instruments and equipment.
  • Обработка всех поверхностей
    Complete treatment of all surfaces
    All surfaces, cabinet handles, door handles, computer mouse, etc. processed after each patient.
  • Лампы бактерицидные
    Germicidal lamps
    The quartzing procedure is carried out daily. Insolation with a quartz lamp eliminates 99% of all known bacteria and viruses in the room.
  • Стерлизация и автоклавирование
    Sterlization and autoclaving
    All instruments, nozzles, burs and drills are sterilized and autoclaved.
  • Презентация стерильных инструментов
    Presentation of sterile instruments
    With each patient, we open a new package with instruments. You can check the presence of the control indicator.
Phone consultations:
044 580 40 04
Appointment to the dentist
Запись к стоматологу
Years on the market
10 000 +
The level of customer satisfaction in cooperation with us