Bruxism - Spasm of chewing muscles

License of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine AD No. 063321 dated 06.09.12

Bruxism treatment

and increased teeth erasability
Phone consultations:
044 580 40 04
CRB clinic

What is bruxism?

Bruxism is a condition in which the chewing muscles contract involuntarily. At the same time, the jaws and teeth are tightly closed, many muscles of the face are tensed.
Most often, the jaws clench at night, during sleep, causing gnashing of teeth. Moreover, in most cases, a person does not know about bruxism until additional symptoms appear: tooth wear, jaw pain, etc.


Bruxism symptoms

Sensation of clenching of jaws, tension of facial muscles
Enlargement of the lower part of the face by increasing the masticatory muscles
Grinding of teeth at night, during the day - the front teeth can hit each other
Chips, enamel cracks, wedge-shaped defects Erasure of teeth, decrease in bite height
Erasure of teeth, decrease in bite height
Pain in the jaw, in the ear
Progress of disease
Bruxism is not a harmless disease. If untreated, the prognosis is poor

What are the causes of bruxism?

Specific spasm of masseters is conventionally divided into
4 categories:
1. Psychological stress

It can be stress due to problems at work, in personal life, anxiety, tension due to great responsibility (for managers, business owners), excessive mental stress during study, work.
2. Dental interventions

Even a minimal change in the height of the occlusion entails a reflex tightening of the lower jaw due to the compression of the masseters. The trigger may be tooth extraction, incorrect crown height, incorrect filling/restoration height, etc.

3. Apnea, snoring, nocturnal breathing disorder
Difficulty breathing during sleep can lead to reflex sleep with your mouth open. A long position of the jaw in the open state causes a spasm of the masticatory muscles.
4. External factors / instability of the cervical vertebrae
Muscles can spasm as a result of hypothermia, injury, shock. Diseases of the cervical spine
can lead to disruption of the jaw joint and muscle spasm.

The most dangerous symptom of bruxism is increased teeth erasability.

The chewing muscles (masseters) are the strongest muscles in the human body. The load that is placed on the teeth during spasm of the masseter is several tens of times greater than the norm.
Стертость зубов
The first sign of erasure is the absence of the sharp edge of the incisors and canines. The edges become flatter. You can also notice the absence of a pattern on chewing teeth. Gradually, the enamel on the chewing surface is completely erased, the dentin is exposed.

Worn parts of the tooth can be restored with onlays or crowns, depending on the degree of wear. In addition, it is necessary to restore the correct functioning of the jaw joints and the musculo-ligamentous apparatus. Unfortunately, this process is long and costly, so bruxism needs to be treated as soon as possible.

Changes in appearance with bruxism

Increase in masticatory muscles
With constant tension, the masticatory muscles (masseters) increase in volume. The face becomes more square, and the lower jaw becomes massive.

The appearance of wrinkles / creases
With spasm of the muscles of the face, creases and wrinkles are formed. Blood circulation and lymphatic drainage are disturbed, which additionally negatively affects the condition of the skin. A change in the shape of the face is accompanied by the appearance of sagging skin.
Protruding chin
Loss of bite height leads to the appearance of a prominent chin, as in older people. This changes the shape of the face and also contributes to the appearance of wrinkles.
CRB clinic

Bruxism treatment

Getting rid of unpleasant symptoms,
bite height restoration

Protective cap for teeth

Protecting teeth from abrasion in bruxism is the number one task. Therefore, first of all, we make a protective night guard for the patient. If the compression of the jaws is manifested during the day, it is necessary to wear a mouth guard during the day.

The cap is made individually, it completely repeats the pattern of the teeth, so it does not interfere and is not felt during sleep. The cap is transparent, therefore it is almost invisible on the teeth.
Usually, the cap has not only a protective, but also a healing effect.

To order a cap, you need to come to a consultation with an orthopedic dentist.

Защитная капа при бруксизме
Phone consultations:
044 580 40 04

Bruxism treatment

A complete treatment protocol includes the elimination of muscle spasm and the subsequent restoration of the height of the bite
Consultation on bruxism problem
carry out:

  • Madjid I.G.
    Deputy head physician of the CRB clinic
    Orthopedic dentist, specializes in the treatment of TMD treatment of bruxism, total prosthetics.
    Works in a digital protocol.
    Before us, he worked in the Swiss digital scientific clinic Dentaprime.
    Work experience more than 9 years.
  • Dolya A.V.
    Lead Physician
    Candidate of Medical Sciences
    Dentist-orthopedist, specializes in prosthetics, general dentistry, treatment of TMJ dysfunction, bruxism. Experience in digital protocol.
    Work experience more than 20 years.
  • Gnatyuk-Temel B.V.
    Lead Physician
    specializes in general dentistry, endodontics and the treatment of bruxism.
    Works in a digital protocol.
    Over 19 years of experience.
What do we use for diagnosis and treatment?

Attention! Self-medication is dangerous for your health. The information is provided to familiarize you with the methods of treatment at the CRB clinic. The effectiveness of treatment depends on the focus of influence on each procedure.
3D-сканер Medit i700
The Medit i700 scanner has an accuracy of 11 microns. Scanning teeth allows you to get digital impressions of the jaws, for the further manufacture of caps, crowns, onlays. The program is able to analyze the impression and identify supercontacts that need to be eliminated.
Production of high-quality 3D CT images directly in the clinic facilitates and speeds up the diagnosis and treatment process. The CT device allows you to get pictures of the jaws and teeth, jaw joints, a teleroentgenogram, etc.
Microscope Ukrainian plant Scaner
With the help of a microscope, we can see the initial processes of tooth abrasion, chips and cracks in the enamel. If necessary, dental treatment is also carried out under a microscope. This allows us to always perform work with the highest quality.
TMJ correction
Correction of the jaw joints is carried out according to indications, if it is necessary to reduce the joint, restore its correct position. The procedure requires a lot of experience and pre-treatment of muscles and ligaments with the help of physiotherapy.
Shock Wave Therapy Storz Medical
Technology eliminates muscle spasms, restore proper blood circulation and nutrition of muscle fibers. Helps to remove accumulated metabolic products and calcifications, cleanses muscles and ligaments.
Protective / medical cap
The cap serves as protection for the teeth during sleep, and also performs part of the healing tasks. Prevents tooth wear. The cap distributes the load over its entire surface, preventing superloads on one tooth and its deformation / destruction.
Phone consultations:
044 580 40 04
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